Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Experiment 2 complete

For experiment 2 I obtained a 1N4007 Si Diode and an LED. I identified the Anode and Cathode and measured both the LED and Diode in forward bias. The diode gave me a reading of .540V whilst the LED gave me a OL sign. I then measured both components in reverse bias and both components gave me a readout of OL.
I was able to identify the Anode and Cathode by a silver band printed onto the Cathode side of the Diode. The LED had a flat spot on the LED and the positive leg is longer.

I then obtained the data sheet for my 1N4007 Si Diode.

This chart has all the specifications of the 1N4007 diode that i will use in the following circuit.
From this chart i can see that the diode dissipates 2.5W at 25 degrees Celsius. But if i wanted to work out if the diode will be destroyed say for example in a hot day in Brisbane recorded at 42' Celsius, i would then need to do derate the device by 20mW for every degree above 25 as stated in the data sheet.

42 - 25 = 17. This is the number which will be derated. 17 x 20mW = 340mW or 0.340W, So the power dissipation at 42'C equals 2.5 - 0.3 = 2.2 mW. As 2.2 mW is less then the maximum amount of voltage being dissipated by the diode, the diode will not be destroyed.

With this knowledge of my 1N4007 diode i then constructed a circuit with a Vs 5v, 1K as R, and 1N4007 as D.

Using Ohms Law i calculated the amount of amps that will be flowing through the diode. 5V/1000 Ohms = 0.005A or 5mA. Then using my Ampmeter, I calculated the actual amount of amps flowing through the diode and recorded 4.7mA. This reading was as I expected as i had calculated the Diode would have a current of 5mA through it.

Then I was to measure the voltage drop across the Diode, but first I used my measurement which I calculated by subtracting Vd from the resistor which would be around 4.3V from the 5V power supply. Leaving a 0.7 Vd across the diode. When I measured the actual VD when connected to the circuit, I recorded .645V.

Using the data sheet above i obtained the maximum amount of current that could flow through the diode by looking at the Rectified current @ 75'C which is 1 Amp.

Now I calculated the maximum amount of Voltage that could flow through the diode before being destroyed by using the Power Law. Pd=VdxId. We already know that the maximum amount of Pd cant exceed 2.5W as listed in the datasheet, And that the resistor is 1K.

If we use 350V-0.7/1000 Ohms it equals 3.493A. 3.493 x 0.7 =2.44W. 350V is the maximum amount of voltage this diode can handle using a 1K resistor.

Replacing the Diode with an LED i calculated the current by using Ohms law 5V/1000 Ohms = 0.005 Amps or 5mA. I then measured the current flowing through the circuit and recorded 3.05mA.

From this I observed that when I replaced the diode with the LED, the current dropped. If the voltage was the same when I replaced the components and the current decreased, then the resistance has been increased. Therefore the LED has more resistance then the 1N4007 Diode.

1 comment:

  1. Use the spell checker! Too many spelling mistakes.

    The PIV of a 1N4007 is NOT 50 V.

    340 mW is 0.340 W.

    Do not write 1KR, just 1K.

    You cannot use an ohmmeter to measure current!

    What is the answer for Pd?

    Do not use 'tiny bit', be specific.
